In addressing thè threat of global warming, capturing and storing thè carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel power plants is widely seen as a necessity. Back in 2009, John Ashton, then thè UK foreign secretary’s special repre- sentative for climate change, argued: “There is no credible climate strategy that doesn’t include a strategy to get very quickly to thè point where carbon capture and Storage becomes thè universal standard for all new coal and, indeed, all newgas-fired power generation.”
Nine years on, thè plunging costs of renewable energy and battery Storage have changed thè debate. Those, such as Mark Jacobson of Stanford University, who argue that a 100 per cent renewable energy System is realistic are stili in a minority, however, and there is widespread support for thè idea that if thè world is serious about cutting green- house gas emissions, carbon capture will have to be part of thè solution.

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