China alone consumes half of global production. In Europe, the conversion is already being reckoned with, social risks associated with Sara Gandolfi, sent to Katowice.
“Do you smell it out here, do you see the color of the sky?” Aleksy is one of the few who stops, under the snow, at the exit of the anonymous building, in perfect Soviet style, next to the now-crazed flags of Solidarity. “Here you can’t breathe, but if they close those who give us another job. So, that’s fine,” he says before running away, like his workmates. The miners of Wujek.
It is under these two chimneys that in 1981 one of the most dramatic moments of the clash between the trade union in Walesa and the Jaruzelski regime took place. Shortly after martial law came into force, the militiamen opened fire on the miners and killed nine. The dictator called it “pacification”.
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